Hi Ho Silver (in the news)


Everywhere there is talk of silver hair (platinum or grey)!  Men and women, both the young and the young at heart are embracing silver hair.  Why not, it is sexy! 

Last year, while out of town with my husband, a bouncer at a bar carded me. Now I know they have to do that these days, but this guy did not give the usual smirk. So I asked him, with a smile, “Really”?  His reply was great and still makes me smile today.  “Ma’am, you may have silver hair, but it is the sexiest trend today…so to me…you are just another woman, staying trendy”!  I looked at my husband, and we both had a nice chuckle at the bar over his comment. 

Last week at SXSW, Sue Leininger of Tech.co wrote an article about the Gray Hair Trendsetters at SXSW.  

Susan Reimer of the Baltimore Sun shared that Gray Hair is becoming the hallmark of coolness.  I love what Baltimore City Councilwoman (quoted in the article) and silver since her early 30’s, had to say about not feeling dismissed about her hair.  She said, “Attitude and presence have a lot more to with someone thinking that you are older than you are.”  Well said, Helen!!

I also thought it would be interesting to get some male perspectives.  Check out this very question about Gray Hair on Quora… lots of great answers and hats off to Eric, Nick and John!

I would love to get your comments and feedback…