PANTONE 18-0107 Kale... in honor of Spring

"The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes." Frank Lloyd Wright

Hi Friends,

I love the hope of a new day and the hope of a new year.  Cheers!   Not only is it the weekend but it also happens to be my birthday.  Number 59 to be exact!  My family coordinated a big surprise... my daughter and 6 month-old grandson, who live in Texas flew in and truly, surprised me.  Best gift ever, to have my family together including our newest addition!

Since Puxatauney Phil messed up our spring, I am planning ahead.  Kale (Pantone 18-0107) is a big color this spring and these pants from Chico's, are a perfect color match and on big time sale!  My jewelry is also from Chico's, and definitely a steal.  With the chill in the air, I pulled this oversized sweater from my closet.  Purchased 5 years ago, this classic from Garnet Hill continues to deliver style and warmth every time.  Watch for it again next fall as it comes in 5 or more colors.

I hope your weekend is great.  I know mine will fly by!

Until next time,