A Point of View and Leopard Shirtdress
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as your own. ”
Hi lovely friends, Hope your week is was great and that your upcoming weekend will be fantastic!! Last weekend was relaxing, this weekend not so much!
I love this quote by Henry Ford but find it is not always easy to do what it suggests, but I do agree with Henry and feel that most successful people can look at other's point of views. Today, everyone including me (or so my son says) has an opinion on everything. We have so much information available to us at our finger tips all day long. We look up long enough to share our thoughts on what we have read or learned to socialize a bit. These opinions range from politics to sports, healthcare, education and the list goes on. Recently I am seeing many articles sharing what women over 50 should and should not wear. In fact, I just read a Harpers Bazaar article which stated that as you get older to keep your animal urges confined to a skirt or a clutch. And that's all fine but in my opinion, if you find something you really like wear it!! Even if it is an all over leopard print shirt dress. With the likes of Iris, Carmen, Diane Keaton and Furstenberg, and many fashion sysmbols, we can and should wear what we want. The key is to be true to yourself and confident about what you like. It's not necessarily about what's in fashion, it's about what you love for you and your style.
Which leads me to this post. First, I chose the location based on the fact that it is a triangular shaped building near downtown Charlotte. I was standing in front of one of the three points.... actually making my point!! This fun leopard print shirt dress is from Chico's. It is sold out on line but available in some stores and is a great price too!! My bag (a gift from Mr. Silver last year) is a Louis Vuitton, Pochette Modis and hard to find this year! Theses black Ivanka Trump pumps are FTC and are a wardrobe staple.
In closing hope you all have a great Friday and weekend! Be confident in what you wear. Nobody else can or will be.
Until next time, thank you for reading!!
“As far as I’m concerned, leopard is a neutral.”