Super Woman Wednesday - Meet Gwen
When talking about menopause with my female pals, I share that I have been experiencing menopause for 8-10 years, due to a hysterectomy. And have always questioned whether or not I am in menopause "purgatory" and wondering if I will ever get out. Thankfully it is subsiding but anytime I can read up on how to beat or ease symptoms, I am all in. A week ago while working out, I saw information about an upcoming segment about a Facebook menopause support group, on Good Morning America, and made sure to tune in at that time! I have included a link to the segment here. This is when I met Gwen Harris, the founder of this group. Gwen and I had similar stories with menopause symptoms beginning after a hysterectomy. And as she states in the article, her symptoms hit her "like a ton of bricks." She started the group to find women she could relate to and offer a safe haven for discussions.
The group has quickly expanded from 11K followers to almost 23K since the airing on GMA. As a new member myself, I jumped right in and started reading. I learned a ton about new treatments, found great ideas and saw the loving support of women dealing with this condition. The group is run by Gwen herself! I knew I had to meet her so reached out to learn more about her.
We had a great conversation and laughed about some similar stories. Gwen is genuine and heartfelt about helping others. What a great leader for a support group! I was so impressed by Gwen, I want to introduce her to you, too!
Gwen was raised in Zambia, South Africa and came to the US at the age of 15. She said it was a hard move dealing with an accent, and being an outsider. She shared she was saddened by the greed and found it difficult to understand the love of money. However, after 44 years here, has definitely become accustomed.
Gwen is married and currently lives near Seattle. She has two grown sons, one in Washington and the other in Nashville, both married. She and her husband will be relocating to Tennessee in the future.
Who inspires you? "Mother Theresa, because her value came from her heart!"
What's the most exciting/adventuresome thing you have ever done? "Conquered Angels Landing, in Utah's Zion National Park, (with her son.) Which included a 5-mile hike, traversed the side of the canyon, and crossed the canyon, a mile in the air." Can we say #agelessadventure? YES!
Do you have a motto you live by? Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn!
What would you tell your younger self? "Be who are... your not ordinary, your one of a kind!" We laughed about trying to re-invent ourselves when we were in high school!
Thoughts on aging? Gwen saw her Mom age not so gracefully but has turned that initial fear into facing the fact that she can age on her terms and by embracing it and all that life has to give!! Gwen, it appears you are doing just that but also giving a lot at the same time! Especially to those of us dealing with menopause!
Gwen and Topaz
Bravo, Gwen!!
As always, thank you reading and stopping by the blog. My goal is to share authentic ageless style and relevant information as we share this journey together! I so appreciate you, my friends and readers! XXOO