Super Women Wednesday: Nina with Sharing A Journey

Photo Credit R.S. Estey Photography

Photo Credit R.S. Estey Photography

Have you ever met someone and wished you gotten to know her sooner?  I feel this way about Nina of Sharing a Journey an ageless Fashion and Lifestyle blog.   I am thrilled and happy to share and promote her to you, my readers as part of a special feature!

Getting to know her...  first, over a year ago we both participated in a blogging event called The Fierce Fifty.  We were two of 50 female bloggers who partnered to share each other's stories.  Several of us in the group became friends and since then Nina started an informal group so that we could stay connected and help each other.  When she suggested a similar collaboration amongst our small group I was excited to be paired with Nina as I had admired her from afar.  From our very first phone call, I could tell that she is not only a beautiful woman but also, has a beautiful spirit; with a passion for sincere kindness and a love for others. 

Photo Credit R.S. Estey Photography

Photo Credit R.S. Estey Photography

Nina’s story is one you may have heard and that I too have experienced a part of.  The love of a raising independent children and having a great career but also that search of, what’s next in this journey of life.  Nina has a beautiful college-age daughter and is soon to be a permanent empty nester!  What’s interesting about Nina’s story is that although very accomplished in a variety of ways she realized areas of her life that she wanted to change and improve and as she made these changes her story led her to a mid-life renaissance and her blog. 

Nina is fashionably chic, classic and elegant with a  twist.  I feel that our styles are somewhat similar and maybe that is one of the ways in which I feel a kinship.  She looks great in anything and does not tell her readers how to dress but guides them by trying new things to keep her look interesting and fun. Nina also stays very active and practices daily meditation and reflection, you can read some her "Morning Musings" here.    

I hope you will pop over to Nina’s blog, Sharing a Journey and check it out!  She’s a great writer offering wonderful perspective.  

Below are some questions I posed to Nina in the hopes that you may get to know her better, too! 

What has been the biggest benefit as a result of your blog? The biggest benefit I’ve experienced from my blog is the relationships I’ve developed with other bloggers, and Sharing A Journey Readers.  We’ve been doing bi-weekly Facebook Lives, which has been really fun because of the interaction in the community.

What or who inspires you?  I am most inspired by the women I’ve met over the past year or so who are rocking midlife like nobody’s business.  Two of my friends have started businesses and are crushing it, my daughter who is just starting out is amazing and going strong.  I think it’s all the positive creative energy.  It’s amazing and so powerful.  

What’s the most exciting/adventuresome thing you have ever done? I am not an adventurous person.  My father loved to travel and was always introducing me to new experiences.  I still smile remembering how many times he had me doing all sorts of silly things (and snapping photos of me—he was a photographer in his later years) and the many trips we took together.  Now that he’s gone my biggest adventures have been starting over after being divorced, beginning a new chapter with an almost empty nest and starting Sharing A Journey.  I’d love to travel again and am hoping to go back to Europe next year.

Do you have a mantra/motto you live by?  One thing that started happening last year was that I started receiving “guide words”.  I would work with one like “say yes” and when that would sort of peter out, another word would come.  The words helped me navigate all the new territory I was experiencing with the blog and my life.  

Do you have any regrets?  I regret listening to negative Nellie’s who discouraged others and me. You know the kind of people who don’t want anyone to be their best.  I only surround myself with people who want the best for themselves and others.  I am blessed to be in a small working group of women who really enjoy seeing each other succeed and help each other.  We cheer each other on—one of my friends is launching a book next week—she started it 7 months ago and now it’s being printed!  I can’t wait!  

What would you like to tell your younger self?  Not to listen, spend time or give any energy to people who don’t bring out the best in one another.

What are your thoughts on aging?  I don’t think much about “aging”- I am all about living my best life and encouraging others to do the same.   

What is one thing that you look forward to every day? Just experiencing life, whatever comes that day, it’s mostly good, and I am grateful. (Though I did have a blood test today and my arm still hurts...)

I hope you enjoyed meeting Nina!  If you are in mid-life you already know about this voyage toward the next phase of our lives and the challenges it brings.   I hope you find it inspiring and insightful to read about other women and their journeys so that we know we are never alone. 

Have a great rest of the week and as always, thank you for stopping by the blog.  My goal is to share authentic ageless style; fashion, beauty and relevant lifestyle information! I appreciate you!

