A Dirty Little Secret

Do you ever go to bed without washing your face?  Do you ever use makeup wipes in place of washing your face?  I know, I know…it is so gross but you are not alone as I am guilty!  It does not happen often but it is so easy to pull out those pre-moistened face wipes, (especially when tired after a long day) and voila our face looks clean!  But the dirty little secret is… it’s not!  Yes…repeat after me…facial wipes are not a daily-cleansing solution (even when tired).  Check out how to wash your face by Maureen Choi, in Glamour Magazine.


So should we blame these cleansing wipes for any indentions in our skin (wrinkles) or the occasional adult acne (pimples).  Possibly (according to Claire Coleman of the Daily Mail)?


Dr. Erno Laszlo, who built a heritage in skincare products taught the high society ladies in America and Europe how to wash their face. His clientele included royalty and many of Hollywood’s A-listers, His iconic original cleansing bar, formulated with therapeutic Dead Sea Mud, is still a big part of the four-step process.  However, his 30 splashes regimen is still famous today.  Video demonstration.


Twice a week, (less than most people, due to Rosacea), I use my Clarisonic.  I am religious about this deep poor cleansing.  In fact, I love mine so much; I bought them for the girls and guys in my family. 


My favorite article on the subject of facial cleansing for more developed skin was found on High50 by Judy Heminsley.  Ah, the double cleanse!  I really took this advice to heart and since reading this article am a true-blue, double cleanser.  As the article points out…any make-up or dirt left in the pore will prevent your serums, creams, topical treatments, etc. from penetrating the skin effectively!  Let’s not work against ourselves! 


I don’t ever want to turn the clock back and I do like the way experience shows on my face…however, I also want to try to look my best by having healthy, glowing skin.  No more facial/makeup remover wipes for this Silver! Please join me ladies, and let me know your thoughts on the double cleanse!!