
Let’s get creative and make this Father’s Day fun!  Put yourself in your husband’s, Dad’s or Grandpa’s shoes and make the day extra special.  Do you really think he wants another boring tie?  Maybe or maybe can decide that one!





I always feel the best gifts are the ones that are sentimental or special to the recipient.  That makes it simpler if funds are tight as there are many low-cost ideas; pictures, cards, notes or letters.  Anytime you tell someone how and why he is special, how much they mean or how much they are appreciated…it will be remembered.


On the other hand, there are many things that you can couple with those sentiments as gifts. 


The following is a list that I came up with to incorporate some fun.  I have included links to some of the items.  However, I am not trying to sell Father’s Day gifts.  The links are there for convenience.  Use them if they help you find the perfect gift.


Baby Foot Peel – Many men do not like to go to a nail salon for a pedicure.  This product is amazing and it is something you (or the kids) can help with and get him ready for pool and beach season.  Nasty feet are well…NASTY!  If he is up for a pedicure then go with him!!



Beer – If he likes craft beers, get a stainless steel bucket or a basket and load it with different types of craft beer and maybe add in a growler.  Or better yet…a craft brewery visit!


Wander and Rumble Growler, Regal Red
Shine Craft Vessel Company


Mr. Silver loves his Convenience Store Styrofoam cups for his morning tea.  This snazzy Yeti Tumbler will keep him away from the chemicals in that Styrofoam cup and keep his tea cold all day long!



Patterned socks on men are fun… and subtly sexy!  If your guy (Dad, Gramp or Hubbie) is dressed up or casual all day long…these will make him…happy!


A good read by Harrison Scott Key


The World's Largest Man: A Memoir
By Harrison Scott Key


The best Fathers Day gift Mr. Silver still says he ever received was his Big Green Egg!  I love it too…as he loves to grill.  Bought at your local dealer however, accessories here:




For safety when grilling a meat thermometer is a staple for grillers.   



For the young Daddy, a couple of ideas, too!



For the new Grandpa or the seasoned veteran


If he is an active guy, a fitness tracker is something he will use every single day. Many ideas here!


Other ideas include: concert tickets, adventure sports, kayaking, paddle boarding, zip lining, hiking or rafting.  And if all else fails, breakfast in bed or a home cooked special meal always brings a smile and will show him  he is loved!  Enjoy! 

Jan CorrellComment